Sunday, February 8, 2015

Out of Control IRS

This is the agency that the president used to target those he does not like, has employees that owe huge amounts in back taxes, gives bonuses to those violators and recently hired back some dismissed employees who violated the rules. They are a rouge organization that complains that they do not have enough tax payer money to harass and punish hard working American tax payers.  Now their newest set of taxing policies are so cumbersome as to make tax filings a nightmare and expensive for small businesses and landlords.  Quote: "Is there any question why the United States has slipped from first to 12th in the developed world in regard to business start-ups? Is there any question why for the first time in 35 years the amount of businesses closed exceeded the amount of businesses opened?  Those who have a business and foolishly rely on Turbotax or other unsophisticated tax services are never going to comply with this new law. God help them if they ever have their returns reviewed. In the meantime, this new Congress has got to get the IRS and the rest of the federal regulatory apparatus under control or we are going to become another France with non-existent job growth. God help us.   This is a picture of President Obama's vaunted economic recovery????   

George Burns

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