Another excellent assessment of the ability of BAD NEWS to captivate the masses and "...bad news still sells; bad news still drives charitable public donations."  

This is a brief discussion of the scandal of fiddled science data.

Despite the incessant roll out of evidence that past claims made by global warmests have failed to materialize the faithful continue to demonstrate their allegiance to this unreality anyway.  It is the height of hypocrisy to maintain their claims in the face of increasingly powerful headwinds refuting their scientific data, their assumptions/hypotheses, their models and their conclusions.  For instance even though the vaunted claim that 97% of scientists agree has been totally debunked, Secretary of State Kerry has upped the ante and now claims without any evidence whatever that 99% of scientists endorse the idea of man-made global warming which is ridiculous on its face and a falsehood which he knows is a bold face lie.  How these charlatans can live with themselves is beyond me.  Quote: "Of course, Kerry’s goal — and that of Obama and other lawmakers who are using global warming alarmism — is to impoverish Americans, destroy the U.S. economy and transfer wealth to the globalists and international green energy firms. Their goal is certainly not “consensus,” nor is it real “science.” And the goal of the “consensus” scientists is to ensure their gravy train of grants and government largess keeps rolling right along. They’ve sold their souls to make it so."
Seems that this proposed set of rules are premature since the scientific basis has not yet been established.  Does that mean that the rules will be implemented regardless of the scientific findings?

A good 7 minute discussion.

Hard evidence of climate data manipulation continues to surface.  The so called "facts" supporting global warming just keep getting refuted.

Interesting how the alarmist continue to pump out claims easily disproved.  Here is just one more of many examples.  Quote: "As with so many other predictions in documents like the National Climate Assessment and the Risky Business Project report that the mainstream media just uncritically lap up and regurgitate as gospel, current and historical trends appear to be entirely at odds with where the climate models have us headed."   Global warming?  How then is this possible?   And here is a report that documents NOAA's pro-climate change data which was announced with great fanfare.  But. when established as manipulated data they quietly made the necessary correction on their website. 

Ponder this.

Those who still believe that the global warming cabal is legitimate should consider the views expressed by these world class experts.  The context of their comments is the termination of the fellowship of Caleb S. Rossiter, adjunct professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics and School of International Service, American University.  He refused to toe the party line.   For background on Dr. Rossiter's dismissal check this link.  Be sure to take note of the other left wing scientists who have likewise left the fold and refute the legitimacy of global warming "science".

George Burns