A corrupt scientific "peer review ring" has been exposed.  This is a travesty for true scientific endeavors.  There are two culprits:  government funding for policy oriented efforts and pressure for scientists to obtain funding for publication of government policy supportive reports.   Quote:  "Groups of scientists committed to one particular perspective (say, for a random example, the view that man-made carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming) gain control of the editorial boards of scientific journals and exclude dissenting views.  Peer review is a human process, and humans are subject to venality, bias, and other sins. Scientists are no different than any other group." http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/07/scientific_corruption_exposed_peer_review_ring_busted.html

As most of us know the liberal media is in partnership with the government in the process of misleading the public on a whole range of scientific matters.  Case in point:  The New York Times misrepresents the facts with regard to California's persistent problems with drought conditions.  Take a peek at this item.  A politically correctness motive obviously overrides truth in reporting at the Times.    http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/07/nyt_failing_to_explain_californias_drought_accurately.html

And here is more regarding misrepresentation of drought conditions in the western US.   Quote:  "You would think this overwhelming absence of significant trends in summer high temperatures throughout Montana would be front and center in climate science reporting.  But it is not, because it gets in the way of the activist agenda that passes for science journalism nowadays.  The inconvenient truths lie against the alarmists' side, because the climate reality is nowhere near as neat and tidy as the narrative they try to spin.  And in many cases, a critical look at the raw data contradicts the alarmism."

This past June was the coldest ever recorded in the Antarctic.  Do you think that is a consequence of global warming?   http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/07/12/coldest-antarctic-june-ever-recorded/

This is a good example of progressive left's purposeful manipulation of events to influence or convince the public that truth is wrong and lies are right.  Facts are ignored and falsehoods presented as fact.  Their intent is clear.  They want the public to believe their falsehoods so leftist agendas can be fulfilled.  Ignorance of or blatant manipulation of scientific facts for political purposes is rampant on the part of left leaning politicians, bureaucrats, business tycoons, financiers, academics, certain domestic and international special interest groups, mainstream media and, yes, and sadly even scientists.   http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/07/san_diego_wildfires_and_climate_alarmism.html

Determine the answer to this question before accepting the position espoused by a professional or elitists global warming activist.   Quote:  "...what indirect or direct financial benefits have you obtained, are you currently obtaining, or will you potentially obtain from any of your public statements regarding climate change?  Any interviewer who fails to ask this question – and print the full, unedited reply – is not conducting adequate due diligence as a journalist with respect to full disclosure by the interviewee."   http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/07/practicing_unsupported_climate_alarmism_in_portland.html 

George Burns