Monday, July 14, 2014

‘The More Power The Government Has…’

Big government is organized crime in all but name, and the man in the street is numb to the universal risk in today’s world.
Politicians and bureaucrats are spending the world into oblivion while secretly hoping and expecting to escape debt with depreciated dollars: yours. The public is unaware.
Note that your “elected” politicians never talk about the ongoing depreciation (inflation) of paper money (U.S. dollars). They don’t want you to think about this. They would rather you think about Donald Sterling and his frivolous racial comments.
But you should be on high alert. Liquidity is not only negative; it is at its most negative level in history. Are we facing the second Great Depression or worse?
For the third time in 14 years, U.S. stocks are in a bubble and far more leveraged than ever before. There are now more corporate bonds outstanding in the U.S. than there are mortgage-backed securities. This is significant, and the heart of the next crisis and the debt bubble will be non-financial corporate debt.
Investors beware! Stockholders beware! 

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