Friday, July 28, 2023

The Most Important Article I’ve Ever Published?

EDC stands for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.


According to, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals can have the following major health consequences:

For the reproductive system, these harms include:

Genital malformations

Cancers of the reproductive organs

Early female puberty

Early menopause

Lowered sperm counts



Low birth weights

These chemicals are also linked to many inflammatory and chronic diseases, including:

Obesity and other forms of metabolic dysfunction


Cardiovascular disease

Hormone-sensitive cancers

Autoimmune disorders

Allergies and asthma

EDCs can also harm the brain and nervous system. Prenatal and childhood exposure is linked to:

Lower IQ

Memory and attention deficits

Developmental delays


Neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s

Take a look at that first grouping and then ask yourself if it’s any wonder so many young couples are suddenly facing infertility issues.

It’s such a private thing that people don’t talk about very often, but I would bet you probably know someone in your life right now facing infertility issues.

And the cause may be EDCs….

Specifically, the EDCs that we are rubbing all over our skin each day!

The enemy is within the building folks! 

I’ve got a ton to show you about this, but let’s go here next:

Here’s more from

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