Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Turn sights now to Clinton/DOJ collusion

Setting aside Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's exoneration of the president on the collusion allegations and his failure to produce enough evidence to support obstruction of justice charges, the Democratic-controlled House intends to continue investigations of the Trump White House by every committee that can claim the slightest jurisdiction.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has for several months been probing possible abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the Department of Justice and FBI to jump-start the probe of Trump and his 2016 campaign team.

GPS Fusion, in turn, was paid by a law firm working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, which provided through back channels $5.6 million for the service.

In a legal deposition, Steele described the work as "An insurance policy" to be used to challenge the validity of the election should Clinton lose.

The dossier was widely leaked to the media, and found its way to the Justice Department via a Fusion employee, Nellie Ohr, whose husband Bruce works for the DOJ. When it was taken to the FISA court, Steele's connections to the Clinton campaign weren't disclosed, nor were DOJ's own assessment that the document was unverified and likely not credible.

For two years, rumors and DOJ leaks, breathlessly and uncritically repeated by the media, have had Americans waiting for "The walls to close in" on Trump and his family.

The more promising route to a smoking gun is the compelling evidence that a politicized Obama Justice Department colluded with the Clinton campaign and a compliant press to subvert the results of a presidential election.

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