Friday, March 29, 2019

Cory Booker Is the 'Plug and Play' Democratic Presidential Candidate

This is flat-out the best, most-appropriate headline describing Democratic presidential candidate and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker's CNN Town Hall last night in Orangeburg, S.C.: "Booker's answers please town hall audience."

This is not to say the town hall was substance-free, just that there were very few unexpected moves in this dance: Booker wants more gun control, more government funding for health care, to eliminate the electoral college, more spending on teachers, free community college, and higher caps on Social Security so wealthier people would have to pay in more.

Booker also nimbly dodged a question about Jussie Smollet's entire hate crime hoax case in Chicago to instead push forward the misleading statistic that hate crimes are on the rise.

Despite saying he's the candidate for "Love and unity," Booker made no effort to court Republicans or independents.

If you were a Democrat, Booker's answers were probably comfort food.

Booker is truly leaning into marijuana legalization and the expungement of marijuana convictions as a central part of his campaign.

If Booker was trying to assure a Democratic audience that he is a passionate believer in pretty much every single thing they believe, he did a good job.

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