Friday, March 29, 2019

Congress isn't the IRS! They don't get to dig into people's tax returns

Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin ripped representative Elijah Cummings, D-Md., chairman of the Oversight and Reform Committees in the House of Representatives, for his outlandish request for President Donald Trump's tax forms and financial records from the past 10 years.

"Congress isn't the IRS! They don't get to dig into people's tax returns! Those tax returns are filed under secrecy and confidentiality. So they create this pretext."

Levin read portions of the letter requesting the records and responded with a suggestion for the Republicans in the House and the Senate.

"This damn letter should be used by you! Change the heading. Write it to Nancy Pelosi. Write it to Chuck Schumer. Write it to Steny Hoyer. Write it to Clyburn, write it to all of them, and tell them, 'OK. Now we want the same thing from you. We want the same thing from you. Mr. President? Your accountant? Provide them with nothing. Republicans, it's time to charge the Hill.".

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