Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mainstream Media Priorities

I suspect that some if not most of you view the mainstream media with some trepidation.  There is good reason to feel that way.  To make the point I just spent a few minutes scanning the net for examples of media bias or outright omitting of newsworthy items.  Let's take a brief look a just a few I found.

1.  ABC, CBS and NBC were besides themselves over the Rutgers University basketball coach who yelled and through balls at players.  They felt his behavior was totally out of bounds and devoted considerable coverage to the matter.  The coach's behavior was indeed inappropriate and he deserved to be fired.  While to them mistreating college age basketball players was a hot news item, the trial of an abortion clinic doctor who, according to staff testimony, killed or allowed cruel and unjustified killings of live babies was not.  It did not deserve even a peep on any of the big three newscasts.  Now I ask you which of the two behaviors is worse and more newsworthy.  Do you detect censorship by omission?  Could it be they support abortions and do not wish to broadcast anything that would besmirch the practice? Check out these two articles:  and

2.  Now lets examine the opposite of the first item followed by a repeat of the first.  On a NBC's 31 March "Meet The Press" broadcast the assembled panelists addressed the subject of North Dekota's pending strict anti-abortion law.  The host and pro-abortionist members expressed dire concerns should it become law.  But one panelist mentioned the ongoing trial of Dr. Gosnell (mentioned above) and the atrocities committed at his clinic.  The rest of the panelist sidestepped the issue and moved on to a more newsworthy topic.  Now for a contrast.  The article continues by providing an exchange in a Florida congressional hearing between pro-abortion lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow and Florida state Representative Jim Boyd.  Ms. Snow said that she supports conducting in Florida Planned Parenthood clinics the same type procedures as those by Dr. Gosnell.  Current state law outlaws such procedures.  In disbelief at her testimony Boyd asked her: “If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that’s struggling for life?”  Snow replied:  "We believe that, you know, any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.,”  That used to be called premeditated murder.  Did you hear ABC, CBS or NBC cover that bit of news?  Of course not.  The major national news outlets don't want the public to know such things.  Move on.  They have more important items to cover.

3.  Political operatives and the major news networks continue to raise the specter of the horrible events at Sandy Hook.  Debate over stricter gun laws rages on.  And, as we all know the news announcers and most pundits are decidedly pro-gun control.  On nightly news broadcasts gun right advocates (when even consulted) are either directly or indirectly cast in a disparaging light.  So one would think that the networks would be all in on cleaning up violence in their products.  Well, not really.  As the linked article notes "Serial killer shows are popular these days. 'Bates Motel,' 'The Following,' 'Dexter,' Criminal Minds, now add NBC’s 'Hannibal' to the list. The primetime television show about the cannibalistic serial killer, 'Hannibal Lecter,' premieres April 4."  Huh???  Is that a double standard or what?

4.  This next article informs us that: "This summer, ABC Family will premiere 'The Fosters,' which is a 'one-hour drama about a multi-ethnic family mix of foster and biological kids being raised by two moms”.  From the article we learn that "This exquisitely PC concept was created by Bradley Bredeweg and Peter Paige, the creators and writers for the vulgar gay drama 'Queer As Folk.'”  No one should be offended, right?  After all gay and lesbian relationships are now mainstream so ABC is simply in step with the times.  It does not matter that study after study shows that kids in such familial relationships do not fare as well as those from traditional mom and dad households. Maybe ABC took this step as a way to help our culture adjust to this new reality.  Good of them, no???

5.  This one deals with gas prices in 2008 and 2013 and how the mainstream media reported them then and now they do so now.  Interesting how the liberal mainstream media reports things differently when the one sitting in the White House is their guy.

Considering just these few examples it should be clear that a large percentage of mainstream media products are either purposeful deceptions, intended to influence public opinion, meant to desensitized the public to certain behaviors or outright liberal/progressive propaganda.

George Burns 

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