This is but one example of a disgusting display by members of the elite left be they in the political game or in the media.  As has been widely reported they, without any evidence whatever, charged before any facts were in hand members of the Tea Party or other conservative groups as likely responsible for the Boston bombings.  However, as the facts reveal, it has once again been confirmed that most recent crimes (gun crimes included) have been perpetrated by left leaning nut jobs.  It is time for the liberal/progressives to seriously examine their own history and recognize that as in the 20th century it is mostly those holding leftist views that create chaos in society.  This does not exonerate anyone on the right perpetrating similar crimes.  They, if they commit such crimes, are just as guilty as those on the left. My point is that the left is clearly trying their best to hide their nefarious actions by trying to convince the public that they are the PURE ones and the right the EVIL ones.  What a crock!  George Burns