Thursday, November 1, 2012

Benghazi Obama's Core Deceit

The basic, important facts about the Benghazi disgrace are in the public record now. American Ambassador Chris Stevens started requesting additional security as early as February. The Obama Administration not only refused additional security, it actually cut security, removing a well armed unit from the Libyan embassy in August.
The Obama Administration should have known that the danger would increase on the anniversary of September 11. But it sent no additional security for that day either. The reasoning seemed to be that President Obama did not want to inflame Muslim sensibilities with a show of American force even to defend our own diplomatic missions overseas, which are legally considered American, not foreign, soil. So he seems to have decided to rely primarily on security to be provided by the fragile, new Libyan government, which has not stabilized full control of the country. Obama's own Ambassador Stevens explicitly told the Obama Administration that Libyan security was not sufficiently reliable.
On September 11, there were no spontaneous mob protests at U.S. diplomatic missions in Libya, as President Obama and other Administration officials have tried to tell us. That is documented by records of activities at the U.S. Libyan missions, and by real time video of events, including from one or more drones flying overhead in response to developments. Around 4 pm Washington time, terrorists associated with an Al Qaeda affiliate, Ansar Al Sharia, began a well-coordinated, pre-planned, heavily armed attack with mortars and rocket propelled grenades on the American consulate in Benghazi. That whole attack was witnessed live through the video in real time in Washington DC, at the White House, at the State Department, at the Pentagon, and at the CIA.

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