Thursday, November 1, 2012

A New Nuclear Fuel Which Holds Far More Energy than Originally Thought

Tri-Alpha Energy has allowed a bit of its research out into the world with a 79 page pdf document rich in background, results of the efforts early research, and a surprise about how the potential fuel, Boron (pB11) would react in a fusion reaction.  Hat tip to Brian Wang’s Next Big Future.
Tri-Alpha’s position is, “We want to know the energy and location of every outgoing alpha particle.”  This is important because in a pB11 reaction the harvest is high energy Helium that can be used to directly generate electricity.
The news from Tri-Alpha is the discovery of two high-energy α-particles (alphas) – that will have a huge impact on pB11 fueled reactor designs because the alphas are much easier to extract and convert more efficiently into electricity.
This is quite significant news and powerful information that may apply to the other two leading pB11 fueled efforts, the Lerner Focus Fusion effort and the Bussard Wiffle Ball work.
At Tri-Alpha the work hinges on whether or not the reaction confinement will work at levels need to trigger the reaction.  The whole idea as with the others is to capture enough of the containment and collected energy as fission/fusion by-products.
Why “fission/fusion” or more like “fusion/fission” you might ask . . .
The function in the fusion is a proton is driven into a boron atom making it a carbon atom in a very highly energized state.  The new carbon atom is proton/neutron unbalanced making it inherently unstable and so flies apart.  Actually the carbon atom can’t last long, it’s quite excited what with nucleons, quarks and other subatomic particles way over energized it simply comes apart, fissions, into helium atoms that also hold extreme energies that can be shed into electrical circuits.

Read more:

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