Thursday, July 12, 2012

Iran military improving its missile capabilities, Pentagon report says

Iran’s military is continuing to improve its missile capabilities by increasing their range and developing nuclear weapons related expertise, according to a Pentagon report to Congress.
“Iran continues to develop ballistic missiles that range regional adversaries, Israel, and Eastern Europe, including an extended range Shahab-3 and a 2,000-kilometer medium-range missile, the Ashura,” the report said.
In addition to “steady growth” in its missile and rocket arsenal, “Iran has boosted the lethality and effectiveness of existing programs by improving accuracy and developing new submunitions payloads,” the report said. Submunitions are warheads that carry different types of explosives or chemicals.
Echoing earlier intelligence assessments, the report said that Iran could have the technical expertise to flight-test an intercontinental ballistic missile by 2015.
U.S. officials have said Iran’s long-range missile capability is the reason for deploying missile defenses in Europe, although the current administration European Phased Adaptive Approach is focused on countering Iran’s medium- and intermediate-range missiles.
A missile defense system able to stop a future Iranian ICBM is being developed as a variant of the Navy’s ship-based SM-3 interceptor missile.
The report said Iran’s missile arsenal is made up mainly of mobile missile launchers that are not based at specific launch locations.

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