Sunday, July 29, 2012

Without Internet Democracy And Transparency, IPCC Climate Deception Succeeds

Politicians know a country needs an educated work force, but know educated people ask probing informed questions. Information is power, which, until the internet, was limited and controlled by few people. Now a story appears in a controlled media that has generally abandoned integrity but still think they can fool people. Within minutes it is studied and commented on by millions on the internet. Almost anyone can read a story, store the information for analysis, and access a plethora of sources to check facts and provide context.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) set up a process to control public perception of their work, essentially in the pre-internet era. Communication was a politically written and controlled Summary for Policymakers (SPM) presented to the mainstream media at an orchestrated press conference. As David Wojick noted a few years ago; 
“The UN IPCC’s voice to the public, press and policy makers regarding climate science is through the WG1 SPM and the TS. These two documents have precisely the same 20 lead authors, many of whom are among the leading proponents of the theory of human climate interference.”

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