Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Honoring the USA on Independence Day

Independence Day, better known as July Fourth, is a national holiday established to honor the founding of America.  The holiday also commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.  American Thinker interviewed a few patriots who have served their country, asking them what this holiday means to them, as well as how current events affect American values.
Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) celebrates this holiday by reconnecting with family and country.  For him, the most important American values are personal accountability and responsibility.  Part of this country's greatness is that anyone "can make something of themselves.  You can aspire to do exceptional things, yet if you fail, you have the opportunity to build again.  That is the magic of America."
Fast and Furious and the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Arizona immigration law are examples cited by Congressman Gosar of issues having an effect on American values.  He insists that the Obama administration used Fast and Furious to attack American's Second Amendment rights, a core part of America.  "Gunsellers were e-mailing and calling, saying how uncomfortable they were having to sell these guns.  Yet ATF told them to do it anyway and did not attempt to track these guns sold to the Mexican drug cartel.  This was done to try to catch our Second Amendment folks in a double jeopardy."
Congressman Gosar believes that the Statue of Liberty is an acknowledgement of coming to America the right way and ultimately becoming a part of American society.  The Statue of Liberty signifies how America is a nation of immigrants.  It is the "entrance of liberty and freedom" for those who are oppressed.  Appearing on the Statue's pedestal are the famous words of the poet Emma Lazarus: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  The congressman sees this line as a representation that "[w]e are a country founded on immigration, but legal immigration.  We must remember we were founded on a set of principles and rules." 

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