Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Doctors, Patients, and Obamacare

Ask your physician about how Obamacare can damage your health-services.

My patients have trusted me from the beginning to inform them about the new health-reform law. Such conversations are taking place in doctors offices across the country. Patients everywhere are finding out that their doctors are not happy. And patients know that if we are having trouble, it will impact the care that they receive.
Now that the health-reform law is under attack from many sides, there is a growing opportunity for doctors and patients to have their protests heard. As a practicing primary-care physician, I say Obamacare is facing a perfect storm.

First, there is an ongoing court battle to determine the law’s constitutionality. This legal challenge, now at the federal appellate court level, is sure to reach the Supreme Court of the United States, the question being when, not if. The Obama administration is clearly in no rush to see this happen, because if the court rules against them, it will have a major impact on the 2012 election. By 2014, most of the features of the bill, including the individual mandate, will be instituted, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board will be in place, and millions more patients will be signing up for Medicaid or receiving subsidies for individual private policies or paying penalties. Once our health-care delivery system is significantly altered by these provisions, it will be much harder to repeal or remove them.

In terms of the individual mandate, Obamacare’s biggest deception remains the euphemistic use of the term “health care” in place of “insurance.” For Obamacare is not only unconstitutional in compelling a patient to buy a product, it is also suspect from a public-health perspective since having insurance does not guarantee access to health care. The inability of universal health insurance in Massachusetts to stem the flow of ER visits because of a shortage of both specialists and primary-care doctors directly debunks this myth.

Read more: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2735316/posts

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