Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Businessmen Versus Bureaucrats

There are generally just two ways people deal with each other: with reason or with force.
Reason is the businessperson's approach. Regardless if he is a trader, a CEO or lemonade-stand operator, the capitalist understands that if he wants something from you, he's got to offer you a value in return. He can't force you to buy his real estate, "green" energy, or failing auto company, he can only try and convince you though discussion and trade that it's in your own self interest. The choice is always yours.
That basic fundamental negates the cliched and commonplace assertion, popularized even by our own elected officials, that trade is destructive and that profit-seeking businessmen are evil. In reality, just the opposite is true: Regardless if it's for a share of stock, an education or a sandwich, voluntary trade is productive as both parties' needs are satisfied. After all, that's why they're trading.
Force is not the tool of businessmen, but of bureaucrats. Whereas a businessman must appeal to your mind, government bureaucrats effectively put a gun to your head. They force you to you pay for banks, insurance companies, and deadbeat homeowners. They also force businesses to sell certain types of products, offer certain types of wages and operate in a certain fashion.

Read more: http://www.smartmoney.com/invest/stocks/the-difference-between-businessmen-and-bureaucrats-1343056995436/?link=SM_hp_featStory

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