Sunday, February 27, 2022

‘Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates’

The transition won't be easy, particularly regarding masks, which for many people now serve as talismanic objects signaling one's public health virtue.

He places the current regime of mask mandates in the context of pre-COVID research on the ineffectiveness of masking and analyzes the many studies since then that purport to prove masking's effectiveness against COVID. His conclusion is stark: "Despite extraordinary worldwide compliance, the mask experiment resulted in an unequivocal failure."

Like many Americans, he was surprised by the public health establishment's rapid about-face on masking and assumed it was based on solid scientific information.

Miller subjects the CDC and its claims about masking to strict scrutiny and finds them wanting.

Miller describes one of the few randomized controlled studies of masking of a large population during the pandemic, which occurred in Denmark.

Several studies omitted data from counties without mask mandates and failed to note that case rates rose and fell in those areas at the same rate as they did in counties with mask mandates.

Long after mask mandates are gone, those challenges will remain. 

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