Monday, February 28, 2022

PRISONER OF THE BIDEN REGIME Has Desperate Plea For Legal Help! 24 HOUR DAILY LOCKDOWNS! Denied Lawyers Visits and Calls for Refusing Covid Test!

He is currently relying on a public defender and is in DESPERATE NEED OF NEW COUNSEL. ** Please help him have a fighting chance by donating to his legal fund HERE. "After the heartbreaking suicide of fellow Politically Persecuted J6er Matthew Perna this past Friday, it is more important than ever before for us as Americans to come forward and step up to the plate to help these patriots obtain legal counsel and give them hope in there," said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution.

McHugh is accused of assault of an officer despite having no physical contact with any officers and, according to court documents, not coming within 12 feet of an officer with an unknown spray that day.

There is not one officer named as being harmed or injured on his complaint.

After complaining to lieutenants, captains, case managers and writing grievances about the conditions and treatment from other inmates and officers, practically begging to be moved to the patriot pod, things got a lot worse.

Our instincts were right and I made it out of the shower in time because the officer popped the only door separating us.

Being in the patriot pod has provided safety in numbers but not from the officers.

No showers, no phone calls or lawyer visits lawyer calls no nothing, all because I refused a covid test. 

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