Monday, February 28, 2022

The Totalitarian Left Begin Backing Toward the COVID Exits

In case you missed it, March 1st has been declared as the unofficial end date for COVID-19 as a political weapon.

Domestically, the political leftists, who weaponized science for their totalitarian control, have decided it is time to head for the exits.

You can always spot the shift by looking at how Hollywood and pop culture are triggered by the messaging from the political crew.

The left weaponized COVID for their political needs.

All of that now positioned as a joke, as the professionally political left try to find a way to tell their tribe it's over.

We are supposed to forget the pain they inflicted as loved ones were choking in anguish, unable to visit family in hospital, the funerals that were not permitted, the catastrophic damage to our children's lives, and the massive ridicule deployed in their condescending attacks against anyone who did not kneel at the altar of COVID virtue signaling.

ALL OF IT now boiled down to a few jokes as they walk backwards trying to avoid the political fallout. 

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