Monday, May 21, 2018

Things Worth Reading 1

This is a powerful must read. It addresses the fact that racism has become a religion. The case made is a good one.  Quote: "The religion of racism is less concerned with actual racists, than with racial unbelievers. The ultimate heresy, the one it’s rooting out with implicit bias and extreme prejudice, is that racism isn’t everywhere. And it’s not a burning national crisis that requires handing out unlimited witch hunting powers.  The theocrats of social justice prefer opposing views to skepticism. The existence of racists reaffirms their belief in the defining power of racism. It’s the skeptics of racism who are the real threat.   If you don’t believe that racism is significant, you challenge their entire reason for being. And the religion of racism meets these challenges by manufacturing a racial crisis as it strings together anecdotal incidents from a Waffle House to a New York City apartment to a student dorm to a coffee shop, to support its unified field theory of universal bigotry and suppress skepticism about its powers. The puritanical panic has less to do with fear of racism than the emotional needs of the witch hunters. Informing on your neighbors, denouncing fellow students and becoming the center of attention is emotionally fulfilling for the same psychological reasons that it was for the Salem accusers, the Parisian mobs of the French Revolution and the rampaging Communist students of the Cultural Revolution."  And,  "The religion of racism isn’t unique to America. But there is something special about it in this country. It stinks of the soured beliefs of liberal religious denominations, their loss of faith in God and man, and their growing conviction that salvation lies only in wielding the unlimited power of their governments."

Democrats are angry that their very own past decision is now coming back to haunt them.  Quote: "Having escalated the judicial confirmation wars at virtually every turn since the 1980's, Senate Democrats in the early 2000's pioneered a new form of self-interested obstruction to block a number of President Bush's nominees to the federal bench.  When Republicans retaliated in kind during the Obama era, many of those same Senate Democrats -- led by Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer -- voted to eliminate the filibuster rule they'd exploited to thwart Bush.  Detonating the 'nuclear option' was the latest ends-justify-the-means maneuver by upper chamber liberals, to whom then-minority leader Mitch McConnell made this final plea prior to the fateful vote."  They did not heed the warning and did what they wanted to do, anyway.  So, "He added, "you’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think.” That warning fell on deaf ears, and Democrats marched forward with their power grab. President Obama, who'd enjoyed a 99 percent confirmation rate on his judicial picks prior to a partisan fight breaking out over his designs to pack the DC Circuit Court, prevailed.  A flurry of post-nuclear confirmations allowed Obama to dramatically tilt the federal judiciary to the left, a development that was enthusiastically welcomed by liberals.  But as McConnell presciently foresaw, the proverbial shoe is now on the other foot, and the American Left is looking on in horror as President Trump and Mitch McConnell use the Democrat-implemented new rules to confirm an avalanche of young conservative jurists."    Democrat dirty tricks only work as long as they have power.  They are now going to get what they deserve, retribution.

Talk about dirty tricks, Democrats used an experienced operative to spy on Trump's campaign. with an interesting twist.  The apparent spy is Stefan Halper..."Quote: "The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election."  He spied on Jimmy Carter's campaign for George H. W. Bush while he was head of the CIA and running as Reagan's vice president.  Clearly dirty tricks are bi-partisan activities. Given recent history it just seems that socialist Democrats are more passionate about dirty tricks than Republicans.

This is an opinion piece that endorses Trump's long past due move of the American embassy to Jerusalem.  During their respective campaigns Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama promised to move Israel's capital to Jerusalem but did not have the guts to actually do it.  Quote: "Trump is sorting allies, good-faith actors, plausible partners, and evil regimes. He is radically disrupting the failed status quo. The results are unknowable. But there’s a virtue in making the truth more evident to the world."  And,  ""President Trump’s policies in the Middle East are separating out who stands for what and with whom in that tumultuous region. It is not yet clear whether Trump’s dramatic initiatives will work and serve American interests and the cause of peace. But one thing that can be said already is that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, forging bonds with Persian Gulf leaders, and working with Iraq’s military against the Islamic State all help put U.S. policy on a footing of truth rather than make-believe, which is reason to celebrate. Moving the embassy fulfills the promise Trump and his predecessors all made. Keeping promises is a good thing, both in establishing American credibility, and simply because honesty and reliability are virtues. The embassy is also honest in a still more important way. Jerusalem has been the most important city in Judaism for thousands of years; the remains of King Solomon’s temple are still there, and it is inconceivable that any solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict would not include Jerusalem being the capital of the Jewish state. Accepting that fact officially is the right thing to do. Realpolitik will always be important to foreign policy, but falsehood is not a firm long-term foundation for it."

The mainstream media reporting on the violence that followed US transfer of its Embassy to Jerusalem as in past cases of reporting lies, was once again spewing pro-Hamas propaganda. They knowingly lied by claiming Israeli killing of innocents. Nor did they report that it was Hamas who incited the violence.  Quote: "Hamas Admits 50 “Innocent Protesters” Killed In Gaza Were Actually Jihad Terrorists - UN Holds MOMENT OF SILENCE For Them."  And,  "Israeli diplomats noted that the UN never did this when Israelis were murdered.”  Of course, it didn’t. The UN has for years been essentially nothing more than the official mouthpiece for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).  Once again it is doing what it always does when Israel defends itself: condemning Israel and pretending that the violent jihadis attacking it are innocent civilians. Some might say that the UN held this moment of silence before Hamas announced that the “innocent civilians” who were killed were actually Hamas members, but it isn’t going to issue an apology today now that the news is out."

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