Saturday, May 26, 2018

This Is The End Of The Euro

Signing up for the euro meant they lost that mechanism, and the currency itself doesn't provide an alternative.

The euro has become a cage, a prison for the poorer brethren, but if you look a bit further, it's also a prison for Germany, which will be forced to either bail out Italy or crush it the way Greece was crushed.

Technology has eradicated the reason why the euro was introduced in the first place, and made it completely unnecessary.

The euro is here, and it is going to cause a lot more pain and mayhem.

Still, anyone want to take out a bet on who's going to be worse off when the euro whip comes down, Britain or for instance Italy or France? Not me.

Europe would have been much better off of it had never had the euro.

The euro will disappear because the reasons for it not to exist are much more pressing than for it to do.

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