Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 1968: the Forever Protest

The students chose instead to go on strike, which in less than a week had spread to all Paris universities.

Three weeks of tumult followed, with vigorous confrontations between students and police.

The student movement went nowhere; it was festive but had no purpose other than to enjoy life and a beautiful springtime.

Lacking imagination, the student leaders, including myself, passed the baton to the Communist Party and the unions, which had organized troops at their disposal.

In politics, the historical decline of the French Communist Party began with these events, since it became obvious that the Party always took the side of the powerful, whether in Paris, Prague, or Moscow; as for the Maoists, they were crushed by ridicule when it was finally discovered that the Cultural Revolution was a slaughter.

May 1968 confirmed Alexis de Tocqueville's saying that his countrymen were poor at reform but excellent at revolution.

We still go on strike remaining faithful to our national tradition of permanent protest.

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