Sunday, November 18, 2012

Now it Gets Ugly

Americans are confused. I realize that’s probably the understatement of the year, but I am referring not to the apparent insensibility of those who continue to support President Barack Obama, but to the perplexed state of those who are attempting to make sense out of the election outcome itself, as well as events that have taken place since. In short, it is mind-boggling that the man was re-elected considering the shape America is in, and his being the most dismal record of any President in American history.
The craven but successful ploy on the part of the administration to defer addressing the issue of Benghazigate until after the election is evident, unless one is a consumer of the establishment press (mainstream media). The American public is being encouraged to focus upon the romantic dalliances of fallen CIA Director General David Petraeus with a predatory publicity hound, and obscure emails between an ugly Middle Eastern-American socialite, the publicity hound, and another general. This, I suppose, would be in lieu of focusing upon the effluvia of lies being fire-hosed from the mouths of President Obama and his administration vis-à-vis the events of September 11, 2012, in Benghazi, Libya.
These deceptions have been so blatant and so outlandish that I can only describe them as surreal. At House and Senate intelligence committee hearings this week, intelligence officials ostensibly tried to explain their deportment on September 11 as regards the reported pleas for aid leading up to and through the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. Meanwhile – with help in distraction from the press – the administration continues to purvey contradicting accounts of whether or not aid was requested by slain Ambassador Christopher Stevens and CIA operatives, while at the same time attempting to clarify that very matter.

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