Friday, November 9, 2012

Consider This

If you want to see more job loss announcements since Obama's re-election, here they are.  Consider the implications:  unemployment numbers will rise - no more manipulation of the numbers will work;  unemployment benefit claims will rise - taxpayers will be forced to repay the loans the government will use to pay benefits, futher encumbering the future of our progeny;  fewer and fewer people will receive employer provided healthcare benefits - government expansion of Obamacare provided coverage will further stress the federal budget as subsidies rise;  tax revenues will decline because fewer people will be employed - more added stress on the federal budget and higher taxes on all Americans;  already record numbers on government food stamps roles will continue to rise - more taxpayer burdens will rise;  more people will lose their homes - increased taxpayer bailouts will be requiered; and much more.

None of the above considers the already existing publically acknowledged $16 trillion federal debt or the spending programs the President mentioned in his acceptance speech.  Nor, does it consider the unacknowledged but well established debt the government has of more than $50 trillion in funding shortfalls to cover future payments for a whole host of government entitlement programs, including Social Security, government retiree programs, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing subsidies, big business subsidies, etc., etc.  And now we must add Obamacare to that list which a chorus of experts are now achknowledging is proving to be far, far more expensive than promised and increasingly likely to lower healthcare standards.  Times are tough now and will surely get worse before they get better.  It is long past time the President and Congress told Americans the truth and stopped playing politics designed to guarantee the continuation of their own personal good fortunes.

We must raise our voices in protest and abandon all loyalty to the currently dominant political parties.  Both the Democrats and Republicans have a stranglehold on the political process.  Their failed records are there for all to see.  The madness must stop.  Any third party candidate with fresh ideas has been shunted aside by the mutually supporting and absolute dominance of the two-party cabal. A new, independent and strong grass roots party must emerge to break this stranglehold.  Time is short - the next election is less than four years away and the winners should be neither Republicans or Democrats.  Until and unless we wrest away control from this cabal, the two-party politicians and their big business/finance handlers, we the people are doomed to their ever expanding control over our lives.  Let's acknowledge these truths and start now creating a cabal busting new party.

George Burns

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