Monday, October 29, 2012

Coherence In the Editorial Suites? What Next?

With most polls showing Mitt Romney pulling ahead of our rookie president in Florida by four to six points, in some cases beyond the margin of error, the state's editorial writers are running out of excuses to back Barack Obama. In the past week and change, many of Florida large and medium-sized dailies, including papers that backed Obama in 2008, have endorsed Mitt Romney.
It's not too surprising that the Tampa Tribune, the Sentinel-Star in Orlando, and the Florida Times Union of Jacksonville have endorsed Romney. These editorial pages have often taken moderate, even conservative positions on issues and candidates. But what about the outbreak of lucidity in editorial suites that have reliably tilted left?
Perhaps the biggest surprise so far is that the Sun Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale, left leaning in its political coverage, has lifted up Romney. The scholars on that editorial board say they have no faith that Obama will be able to turn the country's economy around.  
Other newspapers who endorsed Obama in 2008 but now support Romney include the “Pensacola News JournalFlorida Today, and the Naples Daily News. The refrain here is that Obama has not done what is necessary to revive the economy, and they don't think he can. 
Newspaper endorsements don't carry as much weight as they used to. It's hard to know if these endorsements will sway any votes. But it's interesting to notice, though, that even some of the state's editorial writers are consulting their lying eyes.

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