Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Democrats Now Rejecting Dodd-Frank

“For some reason, some Republicans in Congress are still waging an all-out battle to delay, defund, and dismantle these common-sense new rules.” That was, in a recent weekly address, President Obama’s all-or-nothing defense of the 2,600-page Dodd-Frank financial “reform” rammed through Congress just after Obamacare in 2010.
Yet, almost by the day, even members of the president’s own party are coming to realize Dodd-Frank is actually toughest on smaller financial institutions while institutionalizing too-big-to-fail for large ones.
Take this Oct. 12 exchange on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher,” not a place where you expect a conservative or libertarian critique on regulation. Certainly not from a Democratic officeholder. Here are the exact words of Montana’s outgoing Democrat Gov. Brian Schweitzer on the show:
“Banks that actually did their job, like in Montana — where we didn’t have banks go upside down, because they made you bring your financials in and they’d only loan you money if they understood your business plan — now, they are the ones that are being penalized. They now have more regulation on them, and it’s more difficult for them to make the loans. The very banks that were doing their job are having a tougher time because of the banks that are too big to fail.”
Fellow panelist Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who was there to represent conservatives, replied with a grin to Schweitzer, “I knew there was something I liked about you.”
Yet, remarkable as his words were in such a prominent liberal venue, Schweitzer is far from the only community banking advocate, and not even the only Democrat, criticizing Dodd-Frank’s provisions.

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