Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Pipeline's Best Of 2023: 'Climate Change: Hoax Of The Millennium'

We begin with a re-articulation of our site's mission: to debunk the scare tactics used by "Climate change" advocates who want to separate fools from their money in the name of "Saving the planet": Hoax of the Millennium, by editor Michael Walsh.

There is no truth in the statistical manipulation that proclaims a full 97 percent of "Climate scientists" agree that changes in the climate are the work of mankind.

You don't have to worry about carbon emissions.

Worst of all are "Carbon emissions," which have been dishonestly linked to "Climate change" and have created a perfect storm of panic and fear among the gullible.

Carbon is the graphite in our pencils, the diamond in our rings, the oil in our cars, the sugar in our coffee, the DNA in our cells, the air in our lungs, the food on our plates, the cattle in our fields, the forest in our parks, the cement in our sidewalks, the steel in our skyscrapers, the charcoal in our grills, the fizz in our sodas, the foam in our fire extinguishers, the ink in our pens, the plastic in our toys, the wood in our chairs, the leather in our jackets, the battery in our cars, the rubber in our tires, the coal in our power plants, the nano in our nanotechnology, and the life in our soils.

With the addition of phosphorus, it forms DNA and RNA, the essential codes of life, as well as ATP, the critical energy-transfer molecule found in all living cells.

The carbon atom is the essential building block of life.

Every part of your body is made up of chains of carbon atoms, which is why we are known as "Carbon-based life-forms." Chemically, we're just a bunch of inert compounds.

What breathes life into us? The answer is the relationship between the molecules of energy and nutrients, fueled by carbon and water.

Carbon, to put a theological point on it, is the breath of God that animated the clay of Adam and turned him into a man.

To attack "Carbon" as an evil is to attack yourself; to eliminate carbon is to eliminate humanity.

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