Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Nuclear Family is Key to Democracy

 Proponents of the so-called "Enlightenment" and "Tolerance" of current social norms and behaviors may scoff at the attitudes and practices of the 1960s or 1980s, but the nuclear two-parent families of a few decades ago did impart a structured, widely accepted and absolute sense of "Right and wrong" that today's youth simply don't have.

The rules of right and wrong transcended racial and demographic boundaries and were independent of income or social class.

Everyone knew what was "Right" and what was "Wrong." That certainly doesn't mean everyone adhered to the rules; they didn't.

Translated from childhood behavior to adult workplace practices, the time-honored rules of right and wrong provide the guidelines for the proper functioning of business relationships in a market economy.

Within the rules of right and wrong, each side is free to exercise their skill and experience to achieve the most advantageous outcome possible.

The system only works when both sides recognize that the overall game is governed by the notion of the rules of right and wrong - rules that have been imparted generation after generation by the structure of the two-parent nuclear family.

Democracy stood for all this because of the deep-rooted concepts of right and wrong, as taught to children for generations by law-abiding two-parent families.

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