Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Our Freedom Is Getting More Fragile

 The erosion of our freedom is not a paranoid figment of the libertarian imagination

  • Recently the Cato Institution released its Human Freedom Index for 2022, and found that globally, freedom has declined
  • Politicized and unscientific Covid mitigation protocols account for some of this decline.
  • Such policies furthered the loss of freedom by violating "the rule of law and the freedom of movement, expression, and assembly,"

Freedom of expression and regulation

  • Increasingly, we witness censorship and silencing of political enemies abetted by federal and state governments that look the other way or actively empower the censors.
  • Regulatory regimes that compromise the freedoms and rights of individuals, businesses, and states are broad and insidious, often cloaked in "studies" and "science."

Watch out for the Biden cartel's attempt to nationalize rent control.

  • This destructive intrusion into the law of supply and demand always ends up hurting rental property owners, and making housing scarce and expensive for minority and lower-income renters who the Dems claim to champion.

How does this happen in a country known throughout the world for its love of freedom?

  • Human nature
  • Every good that humans achieve, from freedom to flush toilets, starts out as rare luxuries for most humans, but as they spread to more and more people, they eventually become the default bare minimum.
  • We start taking them for granted, and we become chronically dissatisfied, especially in a culture that believes in endless progress and an achievable utopia.
  • In a political order like ours that empowers all citizens to participate in governance, the self-gratifying interests and passions of individuals and factions can shape policies that serve some citizens at the expense of others, or endangers the welfare of the state.


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