Monday, December 21, 2020

New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues

Given that most of the country is under a mask mandate of some form or another, we can point to spikes all day AFTER these mandates were put in place only to have our opponents simply say, "Look how bad it would have been WITHOUT masks!".

In Florida, for example, most counties have so far bravely refused to implement mask mandates while others, usually in high population centers, have done so.

To be more than fair, if an area added a mask order at some point during the outbreak, the study's authors gave a 14 day period to allow time for cases to begin subsiding.

"They're weirdos anyway. Surely masks have worked in the rest of the country." Well, I'm glad you asked! The good folks at Rational Ground went on to compare national numbers, pitting the states that resisted the urge to impose a statewide mask mandate against those that masked up.

So there you have it, incontrovertible data evidence that mask mandates do little to nothing to stop or even slightly curb the spread of COVID-19.

If masks were the answer, wouldn't you expect to see a drop in cases not long after mask mandates are implemented? At the very least, wouldn't you expect to see cases level off and STAY leveled off? What you would NOT expect would be what has actually happened, for cases to spike as they have done since November seemingly all across the country, regardless of whether or not a mandatory masking policy was in place.

Further, wouldn't you also expect states and areas that MASKED HARRDERRR than anyone else, states like California that have the 'bold leadership' to insist the plebes under their control mask up outside on hiking trails and sitting alone in parks, to have the lowest case counts of all? Just look at the latest per capita numbers there compared to Florida and tell me with a straight face that mask mandates 'work. 

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