Friday, June 26, 2020

Why Are We Letting Democrats Steal from Us?

Since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, Democrat-led initiatives that were initially designed to assist black Americans are now being recognized as contributing factors to that community's plight today.

What they're actually doing is continuing their decades-long history of stealing from Americans - our traditions, values, freedoms, property, and security.

Brainwashed, radicalized liberals have been using Trump's election as a reason to take over our streets, college campuses, corporate America, and other traditional American institutions in ways we could not have imagined.

The hit television show Cops has been canceled, Looney Tunes has removed Elmer Fudd's shotgun, the producers of SpongeBob SquarePants made it clear that he's gay, Nickelodeon aired eight minutes of a black screen with "I can't breathe" being repeated, and Sesame Street joined with CNN to preach to American children about endemic racism.

Insanely, Cuomo and de Blasio are removing the 80-year-old Theodore Roosevelt statue from New York City's American Museum of Natural History on the basis that it's "Problematic." I'm waiting for HBO to remove the Night at the Museum movies from its platform - Robin Williams must be turning over in his grave along with our country's Founders, prior presidents, and every soldier who gave his life so that these morons can steal our history, our country, and our values.

The leftists cannot explain how destroying peaceful and nonviolent co-existence, civil discourse, critical thinking, respect for differing opinions, and an honest teaching of American history is problematic for the black community because this is not about BLM. It's about power and keeping it in the hands of Democrats.

Perhaps Kim Jong-un is thinking about our November election, for if the Democrats win, they'll hammer the final nail in the coffin that Democrats have been building for this country for decades as they bury everything they've stolen from the rest of us in the hopes we won't remember that we were once a great nation.

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