Sunday, June 28, 2020

All that bar-hopping and spring-breaking: Press ignores protests as source of new wave of COVID-19

Curiously, the new wave of cases among young people now coincides with the waves of unprotected protests and lootings - five-, ten-day incubation periods, meaning the cases were contracted right about when the protests and lootings were going on.

Protests are being dismissed because New York is seeing few cases, despite high protests and big looting extravaganzas.

Minnesota with its protests is cited as a place of low new transmissions but its figures are going up, even as the press downplays them.

To leave the unchecked, unmasked, un-ruled protests out is appalling, pure politicization of public health in the interests of being woke.

Public health officials doing contact tracing in New York have been explicitly instructed to not ask COVID patients if they've attended any of the protests or lootings - and they're having a curiously bad time getting anyone to help them out anyway as to their whereabouts when they contracted the virus.

Health experts fear carriers of the coronavirus with no symptoms could unwittingly infect others at protests where social distancing is not taking place.

Experts say potential cases need to be monitored over two weeks, the virus's incubation period, and we won't know for sure how many cases have amassed from the protests until then.

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