Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID Confirms It: Dems Don't Understand Economics

From Sen. Bernie Sanders demanding that a coronavirus vaccine be free for all and that "Profiteering" from it cannot be tolerated, to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who said "If everything we do saves just one life, I'll be happy," when he ordered the state to shut down, Democrats are demonstrating they don't know how an economy works.

How Democrats are unable to understand that the potential to earn profits is what drives companies to make lifesaving and life-enhancing drugs, as well as every other good out there, is a modern-day mystery.

While Cuomo is not necessarily taking a party line when he says he believes an economic shutdown is necessary to save lives, it's not a big leap for Democrats, given their leftward orientation, to characterize an eventual reopening of the economy as a conflict of "Lives vs. money" when it is in fact a case of "Lives vs. lives."

Finally, we point out the foolishness of left-wing pundits who, as David Bernstein noted on Instapundit, are suggesting "That being concerned about the economic toll of widespread shutdowns reflects concern about 'protecting corporate profits' instead of worrying about human suffering." Don't like living with corporate profits? Try living without them.

Democrats have been failing freshman economics for decades.

Democrats seem to think government is the source of wealth, that it can create "High-paying" green jobs out of nothing, provide affordable, health care for all, and finance K-PhD educations.

Democrats have been on the wrong side of economics for decades.

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