Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lawrence O'Donnell is What Happens When all Standards of Journalism are Gone

Last week, after President Donald Trump had said that, because his three predecessors in the job failed to deal with China's unfair trade practices, and therefore he was the "Chosen one" to do so, the Democrat-toadying news media went berserk.

Then there's Joe Biden, the Unfrozen Caveman Senator who seldom knows what town or state he happens to be in, and can't remember the name of that guy he served with as Vice President.

Our Democrat-toadying fake news media has gone to heroic lengths itself to excuse Biden's latest despicable fabrication as just another gaffe.

Having a sense of humor and irony is also part of who President Donald Trump is.

The answer is simple: our fake national press corps has mounted a focused campaign of dehumanization against Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump the President for four solid years now.

This dehumanization campaign is also why we saw NBC and its despicable host Lawrence O'Donnell clearly intentionally slander President Trump and Trump Enterprises by claiming some loans taken out by the company had been co-signed by Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.

After the Trump lawyers sent a letter promising a major lawsuit were the false report not retracted within 24 hours, O'Donnell was forced to issue a grudging semi-apology in which he hilariously claimed to have not adhered to NBC's "Rigorous" standards.

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