Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Antifa and the Rise of Global Authoritarianism

On Aug. 17, 2019, Trump tweeted that his administration is seriously considering declaring Antifa - the ironically fascist "Anti-fascist" group - a domestic terror organization.

Predictably, the move sent the left into a state of apoplexy, as the media rushed to defend the Antifa mobs as morally justified and largely peaceful.

Trump's announcement came on the heels of yet another round of violent Antifa protests, obliterating the left's narrative.

Whether it's destroying property on the Berkeley campus, assaulting journalists, or firebombing ICE facilities, Antifa has become notorious for the devastation left in its wake.

Antifa doesn't tolerate opposing points of view, and they're not interested in having rational discussions.

Antifa isn't an outlier organization; it's merely the next step in the left's descent into state-run socialism.

The Canadian government is indirectly funding their efforts up north and with Canada's immigration policies and our current border relationship; Antifa is using Canada as a base of operations to launch attacks into the United States.


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