Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Mainstream Media is Unbelievably Unethical 3

If you do not believe the liberal left media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, etc. are trying their best to shut down anything that conservatives or Christians have to offer for consideration you have not been keeping up with the incessant and unjustified news of ongoing left wing censorship.   The left wing thinks only they know what people need to know. Not only does this demonstrate their arrogance it reflects their anti-religious/atheistic and hypocritical nature which gives them the right to trample on the rights of others.

The ladies of the TV show The View (well I can't say they are ladies because they are not in the traditional sense) so I will call them females are disgusting and left wing haters of Trump and anything conservative or Christian.  They make no bones about it.  Their arrogance is only exceeded by their poor manners and lame brain commentary filled with misstatements of facts along with a passel of hate filled innuendo and outright lies.   They are part of a growing number of left wing socialist Democrats advocating violence against Trump because the criminal Hillary Clinton did not win the election.  Not an intellectual position to take.  But, then....

This item nails Facebook for the fraud it is. Quote: "NSA whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden slammed Facebook in a Saturday tweet following the suspension of Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) and its political data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, over what Facebook says was imporoper use of collected data. In a nutshell, in 2015 Cambridge Analytica bought data from a University of Cambridge psychology professor, Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, who had developed an app called “thisisyourdigitallife” that vacuumed up loads of information on users and their contacts. After making Kogan and Cambridge Analytica promise to delete the data the app had gathered, Facebook received reports (from sources they would not identify) which claimed that not all the data had been deleted – which led the social media giant to delete Cambridge Analytica and parent company SCL’s accounts.  NSA whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden slammed Facebook in a Saturday tweet following the suspension of Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) and its political data analytics firm, Cambridge Analytica, over what Facebook says was imporoper use of collected data." a nutshell, in 2015 Cambridge Analytica bought data from a University of Cambridge psychology professor, Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, who had developed an app called “thisisyourdigitallife” that vacuumed up loads of information on users and their contacts. After making Kogan and Cambridge Analytica promise to delete the data the app had gathered, Facebook received reports (from sources they would not identify) which claimed that not all the data had been deleted – which led the social media giant to delete Cambridge Analytica and parent company SCL’s accounts."
By now most everyone knows that CNN is the king of fake news.  Nothing they say can be believed.  They are totally inept.  CNN caught in another lie.   Here is more.  They cannot get basic facts right.  They only report left wing opinions.  Unprofessional is their mode of operation.  More.

It is well established that the mainstream media picks and chooses what items to cover and how to slant them to favor their socialist agenda.  That is why they do not cover the genocide blacks are imposing on whites in South Africa.  To media socialist that never happens.  Only whites conduct genocide.  Ergo, the goings on in South Africa is not news.  It is not happening. Quote: "White farmers in the South African countryside are routinely singled out by black gangs for robbery and murder. Instead of stepping in to remedy the situation, the ANC [Nelson Mandela's South African National Conference] has green-lit a plan to strip away land from white farmers with no compensation.  

CNN is continues to be a junk science and fake news operation.  This is incredible. Quote: "Yes, apparently, white isn’t a race. Although, as Twitchy noted, they were still focusing on race even though the fact that the non-race of the latest victims ruled race out for them.  “Police haven’t ruled out anything — including the possibility that the attacks are race-related, Manley said.  “We said from the beginning, we’re not willing to rule anything out. Because when you do, you limit your focus,” Manley said. “This changes the concerns that we had initially. Though we have still not yet ruled it out.”

This piece does a good job exposing some of the mainstream media biases and unethical conduct.  Quote: "As a regular viewer of all the news outlets, I am reminded of an old saying that, “I am only misinformed because I read newspapers.”  This suggests that new credibility, or lack of credibility, is not fundamentally a new issue.  I usually write critically about the Big Seven (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC the New York Times and the Washington Post) because I believe they are in the vanguard of misinformation.  In terms of President Trump, Republicans and conservatives, the Big Seven are not functioning as news journalists but as prosecutors in the court of public opinion."

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