Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Mainstream Media is Unbelievably Unethical 2

This lady of the Morning Joe show said exactly what the members of the mainstream media believe and act on every single day. Quote: "In an unguarded moment during the 2016 campaign, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski remarked that it is “our job,” not Trump’s, to “control exactly what people think.” The Sinclair Broadcast Group referenced that line in its promo. But the news accounts of the phony controversy over the promo never mention that Brzezinski did in fact make that outrageous comment."  But, the story continues.  "Usually, the result of the ruling class’s hypocritical mau-mauing — you must not do what we do! — is that conservatives trim their sails a bit. And if they don’t, well, that becomes a story too, yet another outrage for liberals to find “chilling.” And so we have Jeff Zucker’s marionettes all saying in unison that it is somehow a scandal for Sinclair’s employees to read the mission statement of their employer. Or news readers at MSNBC, who would never dare challenge the coordinated anti-Trump propaganda of their network, calling other news readers “cowards.” And, "The attacks on Sinclair amount to nothing more than a brainwashing exercise designed to get all media companies to forfeit their autonomy to liberals. If anything is chilling to a free press, it is that these companies will often cave to this power politics and hire liberals to divide their companies from within, thereby diminishing the diversity of the media a little bit more each year. That’s why Fox News retains a liberal skunk like Shepherd Smith while MSNBC and CNN don’t employ a single real conservative host."  And, "Sinclair shouldn’t surrender an inch to these frauds who feel entitled to set their employee and editorial policies for it. They are just a herd of embittered, has-been monopolists who still think it their sacred right to “control exactly what people think” without competition. They are the greatest enemies of a free press — conformists who chill free speech and call it journalism."

Brian Stelter of CNN should have been fired long ago.  He is one of the many insanely biased journalists on TV.  He admits that he let David Hogg lie in an interview on his show.  He offers a totally lamebrain reason.  The man is a total waste of time.  Quote: "Blatantly biased CNN host Brian Stelter has finally blurted out the obvious. Yes, he did let Parkland, Florida school shooting survivor turned militant activist David Hogg tell lies during an interview. Stelter, host of the media critique show ‘Reliable Sources,’ acknowledged that during his February 25 interview with Hogg, he let the outspoken student get away with a number of false claims about firearms and the NRA. Stelter’s admission came during an appearance on HLN’s ‘S.E.Cupp Unfiltered” on Monday March 26. Cupp had asked Stelter if he thought that, “as a business [the media] have been giving these kids a lot of coverage….But the policies is the tough part. Do you think in showing these kids so often, as often as we all do, we’re actually doing them a disservice because the policy is actually what’s going to change all of this? The passion, I fear will just sound like noise after a while and people will tune it out.” New York Times wrongly interprets a study and uses it to promote its misguided and hateful racist agenda.  That newspaper is totally worthless and because of its left wing propaganda activities deserves to go out of business.
The corruption at CNN goes deep.  Quote: "The media’s coverage of Trump is like a nuisance suit that never ends. But instead of finishing Trump off, it wins him enduring sympathy. People turn on CNN and see correspondents who have divorced each other (John King and Dana Bash) reporting with such gravity about Trump’s broken vows and what all of that means for poor Melania, right before, of course, they humiliate her anew by whipping up yet another report on Stormy Daniels. How can anybody take these frauds seriously? Watching a decadent ruling class’s shunning of Trump, the American public finds itself in the position of Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby. They can see at once Trump’s flaws and his supposed betters’ even greater ones."

You already know the left wing mainstream media is unethical and hypocritical but this piece provides a bit of insight as to just how much they are.  Quote: "The mainstream media has become so hysterically anti-Trump, they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Tuesday, CBS News’ Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett confronted Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with a “gotcha” moment, demanding answers on President Donald Trump’s call to congratulate Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s so-called “reelection.” There was only one problem: CBS News forgot that former President Barack Obama did the same exact thing in 2012. In fact, Obama’s administration was so proud of it, they wanted everyone to know."    Need another example.  How about this jewel.

This piece describes the true nature of the CNN/left wing media's gun control hero.  Anyone with at least two brain cells will not like her or think she deserves the notoriety she is getting. She and her bullying pals contributed to the problem they now so ardently propound.  Quote: "John Rivers says “So wait – we have to give up our guns and tear up the Constitution cause some Bald Brown Dyke bullied an autistic kid until he went postal?”  And, "Yes, said Parkland student Emma González. She and her fellow students at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School “ostracized” fellow student Nikolas Cruz. Said González when speaking in Washington at the anti-gun “March for Our Lives”: “Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him, that he was the shooter. Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him? You didn’t know this kid! OK? We did!”  Which is to say, González just made a startling admission. Parkland students bullied Nikolas Cruz."    Elevating this girl to hero status and gun control expert speaks volumes about the left wing's lack of journalistic ethics.

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