Saturday, March 10, 2018

Emotional Learning Will Be the Downfall of Society

Critics of the public school system, myself included, often disparage government schools for failing to teach kids.

As bad as it is that schools aren't teaching our kids important areas of learning, it's what they are teaching that should really frighten us.

SEL is "a coordinating framework for how educators, families, and communities partner to promote students' social, emotional, and academic learning," the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning states on its website.

The way children "Feel" about their skin color is likely a product of SEL making its way into Minnesota schools' social studies curricula.

We have a bunch of kids trained to embrace their feelings-and since feelings can't be right or wrong, society devolves into chaos.

It's not the kids' fault, but if society continues to erode into a soulless, violent nation full of mob-like citizens who only feel and react like barbarians and don't think like civilized folk, we are all to blame.

Traditional public schools, it's been decreed, don't have a place in teaching religion, morals, or anything that makes a strong, decent society, so we must ask ourselves: Do they have a place in analyzing the feelings and emotions of students-or even in society at all? 

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