Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hold on America. We are in for a rough ride.

Trump supporter will never condemn or reject anything Donald does or says. Their defense of their candidate is cultish in nature, refusing to ever rebuke him for anything. In fact, the consistent response is to attack the messenger.
Sadly, they forget that a candidate first and foremost should be accountable to the voters. But in this case, Trump is completely unaccountable to anyone. And apparently his supporters naively like it that way. Steven Deace has frequently referred to the "cult of Trump" and sadly I believe he is right. When we get to the point where a man is consistently defended as infallible by people, we have a dangerous scenario. It is not any different than the Obama-syndrome 8 years ago.
I suppose it's why Trump boasted a few weeks ago that he could shoot someone in the middle of 4th Avenue and his supporters would still vote for him. Well, sadly his supporters continue to prove him right. There is nothing he has done or can do that will ever be rejected by them.
Mark West

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