Saturday, June 28, 2014

How to Fight Back Against the GOP Establishment’s Worst Treachery Yet

What transpired in the Mississippi Senate run-off is a red line for many conservatives across the country, because the Republican Party establishment essentially took a civil war and escalated it to a war for independence.
It’s one thing to oppose your base in a primary. It’s entirely another to despicably play the race card against your base, and bolster the legitimacy of the propaganda of our race-baiting opponents on the Left. But that’s exactly what the Kamikaze pilots running the GOP did. As a result, Chris McDaniel won Republican voters handily on Tuesday, but still lost the run-off statewide thanks to a 43 percent increase among voters in counties President Obama received at least two-thirds of the vote in 2012.
In other words, the GOP establishment used Obama/Alinsky race-baiting tactics against their own base, in order to drive out to the polls in a GOP primary the same low-information-voters that put and kept this Marxist in the White House (which I document here). An unpardonable sin considering there is no reason to go scorched earth against your own base in solidly Republican state except to send a message. 

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