Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Attorney General Holder Is Turning Into A Joke

The Zimmerman trial is over.  But, the post trial proclamations of those not in the court house act as if they have the whole story and the jury, having heard the entire case, got it all wrong.  Incredibly Attorney General Holder has joined that crowd and proclaimed that we need to eliminate stand your ground laws.  In a speech before the NAACP on Tuesday he claimed that "Separate and apart from the (Trayvon Martin) case that has drawn the nation's attention, it's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods." 

Apparently knowing more about the case than the jury the ultra left New York Times "...falsely claimed in an editorial preceding Holder's speech that the jury 'reached its verdict after having been asked to consider Mr. Zimmerman's actions in light of the now-notorious Stand Your Ground provision in Florida's self-defense law.'"

Both Holder and the Times are either lying or pushing an agenda, probably both.  Here's how we know.  "The jury received standard instructions. Zimmerman did not invoke the Stand Your Ground provision. Zimmerman later waived his right to a pretrial immunity hearing under the Stand Your Ground procedures."  It is obvious the liberals/progressives are falsely using the "not guilty" verdict in the Zimmerman trial to foment discord and push their eliminate guns and undermine the 2d Amendment agenda.  

"The Obama administration's cynical campaign against Stand Your Ground laws is a racially charged weapon of mass distraction. The goal isn't public safety or community harmony. The goal is for conservative political opponents to Surrender Your Ground. Silence, as always, is complicity."  The lying, deceitfulness, misdirection, unethical and downright disgraceful behavior of the political left and their complicit media puppets never ceases to amaze.  But it is time for their disgusting self-rightous behavior to stop.  The people they are suppose to serve deserve much, much better.

George Burns

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