Monday, July 1, 2013

A Synopsis Of The Harsh Realities Of Britain's Government Run Healthcare System

Here are a few items regarding Obamacare.  The first deals with the British government run health care system so many have held up as a model for us to follow.

1.  Ask yourself if this is what you want for America.  If so, then Obamacare is for you.  If not, then getting rid of Obamacare should be our collective priority.  I cannot understand why anyone believes Obamacare will solve the problem of some 15-20 million Americans being uninsured (the supposed reason it is being implemented) by forcing, subject to penalty, everyone (310 million) into a system akin to the one in Britain.  Recent analysis points out that after implementation upwards of 30-40 million Americans will not have health insurance coverage and those with coverage will see their premiums increase.  So, tell me again how Obamacare solves the problem of those without insurance and explain to me how government run health care is a good thing for those of us with insurance.

2.  Oops!  Hollywood who was a big supporter of Obamacare has now discovered that it is not such a good deal after all.  Accounting will be a nightmare and payroll management even worse.  They may well end up taking some, if not all, their operations overseas to less bureaucratic and more business friendly environs because of the increased cost imposed by Obamacare. 

3.  Another oops!  Hospitals providing services to Medicaid patients are getting punched in the stomach by Obamacare.  Many may well exit the program.  Good for those needing Medicaid service, don't you think?

4.  Yet another oops!  You may have already seen this one but it is worth a rerun.  It seems that when our elected officials, you know the guys and gals who didn't read the bill before they voted for it, are now upset.  Because they didn't read it they did not know that Obamacare applied to them and their staffs as well as those of us who just average Americans.  Imagine that!  Now that they understand that harsh reality they are not happy.  You will get a sense of their elitist view of themselves relative to us mere citizens when reading the below link.  Anyway, one legislator's quote drives home the point:  "A lot of the staff stays on largely because of the benefit levels and particularly if you’ve got people with families and it’s extraordinarily important to them … it’s just not right.”  You see, in their view it is simply not right to mess with the benefits they and their staffs get courtesy of taxpayers who they feel free to tax to death.  To them it is just simply not right that they and their staffs have to comply with all the laws they pass.  As the article notes lawmakers have made it a priority to fix this "problem" with the legislation.  But, don't expect to hear about it once the dirty deed is done.  That is the way the system works. 

5.  And now there is this.  The IRS is charged with ensuring Obamacare compliance.  Think about that.  This is the same organization now under multiple investigations for both illegal and unethical improprieties as well as inappropriate use of taxpayer funds.  And this is not the first time they have run afoul of the law, ethics or decency.  Given its nefarious history nor will it be the last.  So, if you feel comfortable with government run health care, then having the less than honorable IRS legally or illegally or both snooping into your affairs and making sure you are obeying the law will be just fine.  If this does not sit well with you, however, then give your elected officials hell until this monstrosity is eliminated from the face of the earth and the government stops meddling in our personal health care affairs.

By the way, there is nothing, absolutely nothing in the Constitution that grants the government the authority to interfere in any way with our personal medical affairs.  If there is any doubt to this claim then study up on the original intent of the "general welfare" clause - the basis progressives use to justify Obamacare.  You will be supprised to learn that the modern day liberal/progressive interpretation of that clause has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with what the much wiser Founders intended.  I am not a lawyer but I do know that laws/contracts/conveniences, etc. are "always" suppose to be interpreted in the context of the language used, definition of terms and culture prevailing at the time in which laws, the Constitution in this case, were written.  And that is something progressive law makers and judges have chosen not to do for at least the past 100 years.

George Burns

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