Monday, September 10, 2012

What can Congress accomplish?

Congressional approval rating is at an all-time low. What can Congress accomplish in the coming weeks that could improve Americans' perception?

Rep. Mike Doyle Congressman (D-Penn.) :

We need to do something. Obviously people are frustrated because Congress is gridlocked. We’re not able to reach any kind of agreement on the budget. We’re dealing with a group of Republicans who have vowed to never to raise revenue so they had to agree to this sequestration and now they don’t want to make the cuts to the defense bill.
In my mind, the problem is this freshman class that controls the GOP party and makes impossible for House Speaker John Boehner to negotiate anything. Who knows what election brings, who knows if they’ll come back, but hopefully we’ll get a little bit of sanity in this process.
I’m personally frustrated that we don’t have a transportation bill because we have many transportation projects that are being stalled in Pennsylvania. That’s personally frustrating for me; my city is ready to move forward. I’ve been in Congress 18 years - we never fought over a farm bill or transportation bill before.  All of a sudden you can’t send money back to your district and no one wants to bring in any revenue. It seems to me that there’s a lot of hypocrisy in Congress that I haven’t seen in a long time. I hope we can work this out in November because we’re going to have to or else it’s going to be very painful for a lot of people.

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