Tuesday, June 27, 2023

No, Carbon Dioxide Is NOT A Pollutant And It Doesn't Control The Planet's Temperatures

Entitled "No climate crisis: carbon dioxide has zero effect on temperatures," the piece blows to bits the myth that carbon dioxide, a natural substance that all plants need in order to produce oxygen so we can breathe, has absolutely nothing to do with planetary temperatures.

Using two graphs and less than 300 words, the front-page story demolishes the climate hoax, exposing it as a sinister tool for stripping humans of their basic freedoms, including the right to work, travel and access public places.

Under the guise of promoting "Ecological responsibility," the globalists and their roving bands of climate fanatics aim to shift the world away from freedom and tradition into the tyrannical hands of corporate greed and control.

"The climate hoax is an attack on farming and food production - documentaries bemoan the methane production of cows, while the growth and transportation of soya beans destroys rainforests and requires an immense amount of water," the article states.

During the Wuhan coronavirus, there was a lot of talk about implementing a "New normal" that dovetailed with the goals of the climate brigade.

"It's really a simple hoax," one commenter wrote about the myth of climate change.

Learn more truths the climate cult wants you in the dark about at Climate. 


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