Monday, November 28, 2022

‘Longtermism’ and ‘Effective Altruism’ Are The New Faces Of Transhumanism

 "The lunatics really are running the asylum, and should you dare to call out their madness, they'll have you put in a straitjacket and injected with tranquilizers. It's long past time to steal the keys and escape this nuthouse. And if there's any spirit left in us, we'll leave the asylum burning behind us."

Futurists don’t just predict events, they shape them

  • To the extent our immediate decisions are guided by these imagined futures, we’re all unwitting tools of the futurist
  • Effective altruism and longtermism are two philosophies that have invaded the public consciousness
  • effective altruism is an academic movement focused on helping large numbers of people, or perhaps all conscious entities, on a global scale
  • Longtermism takes this do-gooder ball and runs with it into the distant future
  • Its proponents imagine how our altruistic actions today might benefit all the conscious minds that will eventually come to exist
  • In practice, these philosophies seem to involve a lot of virtue-signaling and spending of other people's money

Both philosophies are utilitarian

  • Advocates seek to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people
  • Similar to the ancient belief that the gods require blood to make crops grow, however, they admit sacrifices must be made
  • You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs

If you want to stop a deadly pandemic, lock vaccine-refusers in their homes

  • If they keep sneaking out, beat the living hell out of them or lock them in quarantine camps
  • When push comes to forced jabs, kill em' all with kindness

Oxford University was the crucible of effective altruism and longtermism

  • well-paid philosopher and avowed transhumanist Nick Bostrom had a decisive impact on the movement
  • He is also a founding member of the Future of Humanity Institute, located at Oxford, to which Musk donated £1 million
  • Futurists can always use more money to save us from the futures they're predicting
  • This elite transition from techno-optimism to whitewashed corporate altruism is readily apparent in the global agendas set at the World Economic Forum

Longtermism and Effective Altruism

  • Elon Musk once quoted William MacAskill in his book What We Owe the Future
  • "It makes the case for longtermism," the Oxford philosopher wrote, "the view that positively affecting the long-run future is a key moral priority of our time."
  • In a flash, Musk's TED interview made a lot more sense
  • SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and the Boring Company are all philanthropy
  • Tesla is accelerating sustainable energy. SpaceX is trying to ensure long-term survival of humanity with a multi-planet species

The cure is often worse than the disease

  • Effective altruism and longtermism are comical embodiments of such extremes
  • They start with a few mosquito nets for starving kids in Africa and end with all-seeing smart dust gathering under your bed
  • Longtermism and effective altruism are often the best-case solutions to seemingly impossible problems

Nick Bostrom has argued for an inescapable global surveillance system

  • Fertilize an army of fetuses in vitro, screen their genetic codes, select the supreme specimens, implant them in actual women or gestate them in artificial wombs, and then huck the rejects into biowaste bins
  • We already see similar eugenics programs underway in the intelligence-obsessed pronatalist movement
  • Sam Altman, the gay tech magnate who co-founded OpenAI with Elon Musk, has invested in the company Genomic Predictor, which screens out unwanted zygotes
  • Vitalik Buterin has suggested that babies should be gestated in plastic bio-bags to safeguard women's rights

Effective Altruism and Artificial Intelligence

  • Effective altruism: If our moral purpose is to benefit the greatest number of possible beings, then it's our moral duty to avoid extinction-such as asteroid impacts or malign artificial superintelligence-by any means necessary.
  • Digital sentience should expand the pool of future minds exponentially, maxing out around 10^45-or a quattuordecillion-digital souls expanding out across the Milky Way.

Do you wanna colonize the galaxy or not?

  • The market-rocking meltdown of FTX, coupled with Sam Bankman-Fried's moralistic rhetoric, gives us some indication of where longtermism and effective altruism can take us as ruling philosophies
  • First, we see how vapid all this corporate virtue-signaling really is.
  • Second, the FTX debacle shows us how pervasive this sort of ideology is among our tech, academic, and economic elites.

This scandal lays bare how easily duped our elites really are

  • Even as the lies unravel before our eyes, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal continue to spin the entire affair as a series of unfortunate business decisions.

The lunatics really are running the asylum

  • They control the asylum, and should you dare to call out their madness, they'll have you put in a straitjacket and injected with tranquilizers

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