Sunday, July 24, 2022

Margaret Sanger: Racist, Planned Parenthood Founder

Birth Control Review, Volume XXII, Number 8 (New Series, May 1938, the "Negro Number"), page 90. "On the other hand, the mass of ignorant ******* still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among ******* is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly."

The Early Years

  • Margaret Sanger was born in 1879 in New York, one of 11 children born into an impoverished family.
  • She joined the Women's Committee of the New York Socialist's Party and began to advocate for the sexual education of women, becoming a nurse in a poor immigrant section of NYC
  • In 1914, she started her own publication, "What Every Girl Should Know," which advocated for women using birth control
  • Facing possible jail time for her actions, Margaret fled to England, where she continued to do research on birth control and contrive a plan to disseminate it
  • A year later, she returned to the US and opened the first birth control clinic in the states, and in 1917, Sanger began to publish and edit The Birth Control Review, which she edited until 1929

Eliminate "Lesser" Humans

  • Margaret Sanger associated with racists and anti-Semites, people who despised everyone who was not Nordic, and demanded eugenics programs to eliminate "lesser" humans.
  • Planned Parenthood honors a woman who befriended racists and Nazis, and gave them a platform to spread their poison. Today, Planned Parenthood does everything it can to eliminate the unfit of society and profit off women in crisis pregnancies.

Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations to improve the population’s genetic composition

  • Margaret Sanger believed there was a close link between birth control and eugenics
  • In her articles and speeches, Sanger showed the world her true colors and the underlying reasons why she thought the world needed birth control
  • Does the term “a race of degenerates” remind you of Hillary Clinton?

The "Unfit"

  • Margaret Sanger advocated sterilization of the unfit
  • She believed that those who were sick or weak should not be allowed to live because they could not possibly be happy
  • This is a violation of basic human rights
  • Sanger believed that only the "enlightened and the intelligent" could see the value of birth control 

Margaret Sanger: The Untold Story Of Abortion, Eugenics, And Racism

Since the beginning of the idea of birth control, Margaret Sanger has been an advocate when it comes to “Family Planning.” According to abortion activists, Margaret Sanger was a champion for women’s rights, a leader for women’s reproductive health, and a saint for women who felt they had no other choice but to have an abortion. In my opinion, the work she did was not promoted to all women, but only to “perfect,” white women. Sanger’s ideas were steeped in racism, ableism, and hatred.    

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