Saturday, September 18, 2021

Why Did The CDC Stop Recording Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in The U.S. on May 1st?

On May 1st the CDC changed the recording and record keeping of COVID-19 breakthrough cases, and stopped tracking them.

CDC presents this data in aggregate at the national level but not by state, and there is no single, public repository for data by state or data on breakthrough infections, since the CDC stopped monitoring them.

At the time the CDC stopped tracking the incidents of vaccinated persons contracting COVID-19 and being hospitalized, many people wondered why? Obviously if you stop recording vaccinated persons who are hospitalized, it will look like only unvaccinated persons are being hospitalized by the variants in the CDC records.

The data supported that narrative because the breakthrough cases were no longer being recorded.

The approach of not counting the breakthrough case hospitalizations also makes the pharmaceutical companies look better; their vaccine looks more appealing & more effective.

When the FDA vaccine approval panel was originally instructed to use the efficacy data with the goal of evaluating the booster shot request for the Pfizer vaccination; they were instructed to only look at the data from the U.S. Knowing the CDC no longer was tracking U.S. breakthrough cases, that meant the FDA vaccine approval panel was only evaluating the Pfizer efficacy and hospitalization issue around the non-vaccinated group.

If the panel had only looked at the data approved by the CDC, the Pfizer vaccine efficacy would have looked much better because the vaccinated/hospitalized data was intentionally not recorded. 

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