Sunday, February 16, 2020

Try This on For Size: What If China Decides to Invade North Korea

Key point: North Korea has created a lot of problems for China.

In the event it deems military action necessary, what are Beijing's options for dealing with North Korea and what kind of force could it bring to bear?

North Korea is both a blessing and a curse for China.

There are persistent rumors that Beijing has long prepared to intervene in North Korea, whether in the aftermath of a government collapse or should the country's leadership make credible threats against China.

One thing seems reasonably certain, however: if China goes into North Korea, the presiding regime, whether of Kim Jong-un or someone else, will not survive.

The most dangerous aspect of a Chinese invasion of North Korea is if it is launched concurrent with a U.S. and South Korean assault northward from the demilitarized zone.

Barring a total collapse of the Pyongyang regime, China is unlikely to invade North Korea any time soon.

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