Friday, July 13, 2018

The AP: The Shadow Giant Bolstering Democrats -

What is often overlooked is the Associated Press, or AP, which indisputably has the biggest media impact because its stories run in virtually every daily newspaper and news network in the country including the New York Times and Washington Post, CNN and so on.

People often complain about a story in the Times or Post or elsewhere, but it turns out to be an AP story.

The AP "Wire" carries stories from its contributors, but it generates nearly 15,000 stories weekly.

Finally, the AP reported: "The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army".

There was simply no story here and the AP all but admits it in buried caveats.

The AP importantly for their agenda connects President Trump's correct suspicions about global warming data to the Republican Party by getting that in the lead to ensure that everyone is smeared - when that would never be the case in the few negative stories the AP did about Obama.

"For many people of color, Trump's address before Congress on Tuesday night hardly reflected a shift in his ideology or his bruising style of governance. To them, the president simply softened what he's been saying all along, particularly when it comes to immigration, and sought to add a veneer of tolerance by using the stories of people of color to illustrate his pointsIn taking credit for a drop in black unemployment". 

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